Digital and Financial Inclusion Hub

Access to the online world makes our lives easier. We can get stuff done, save money, be entertained, connect with friends and family, learn, and access support. Not having digital skills and access can have a huge impact on a person’s life, leading to poorer health outcomes, increased loneliness and social isolation, paying more for essentials, financial exclusion, less access to local authority and government services, jobs and education. For those already at a disadvantage through risk of homelessness, age, education, income, health, disability or unemployment , social and economic inequity increases as services and support become more challenging to access.

Closing the digital and financial inclusion gap has therefore become essential for people needing to access vital support and services, improve mental wellbeing and to feel valued and connected in society.

About the service

Our Digital and Financial Inclusion Hub is open and available to anyone who is having difficulties with digital and financial exclusion.

How we help
Digital and Financial Inclusion Hub enables people to develop digital and financial awareness, skills and wellbeing through a welcoming, accessible and person centred approach.

We provide a supportive environment and access to online digital devices and coaching to reduce social isolation, to improve wellbeing, independence, and active involvement as citizens.

Our main objectives are to:

  • Provide access to digital devices and provide assistance to enable improved confidence with basic IT skills.

  • Help with safe navigation and access of essential services such as Universal Credit, energy and data providers, banking, searching for jobs, voting or connecting with community resources

  • Mentor and enable people to manage household budgeting and income maximisation.

  • Empower people to access further learning, training and employment opportunities

Support can be provided by a variety of methods including:

  • 1 to 1 appointment

  • Digital drop in

  • Small group sessions

Who we help
Our service is open and available to anyone who is having difficulties with digital and financial exclusion.

How the service is accessed

You can find us at 62 Summer Street , AB10 1SD, Aberdeen.

Telephone: 0300 303 0903

We also accept referrals from other agencies, please download the relevant form, complete and return to

Hours: 09:00 - 17:00 Monday to Thursday, 09:00 - 16.00 Friday

Thanks to our funder Santander Foundation.